Toon Shader part 2!
It’s weird how many things can come up, when you’re not looking.
Like if I was getting paid to do this stuff (hint) I could give it the kind of priority that I would like to. But with the recent year of horror, which unfortunately is not completely over yet, I got so far out of the habit of making these things. It was almost as though I had never done them before.
It’s strange the stuff you can get rusty at.
Yes well. I’m Back Babay! So expect me to pick up the pace. (And the energy level) on these lessons.
I’m getting ready to start up some sort of patreon, but I want to get a lot of stuff out there before I do. Mostly so that I can hear peoples thoughts, and questions, and adjust what I’m doing, to meet the needs of the community.
I’m trying to show the stuff that I mostly wanted to learn but that no one taught much.
In case you’re wondering. I am a film-maker. And most of what I do with blender is for video effects, or animation. I also have been a sculptor for about thirty years and am doing a lot with blender in that area.
If you’re interested in these things, then keep an eye on my YouTube channel (BlenderDharma), or sign up for my email list once that’s set up. (If it is it’ll be in the side bar over yonder —>
Anyway, here’s the video lesson for a halftone style shader. There were problems getting this one out. And I apologize for the voice. My allergies were acting up, but I didn’t want to wait too long.
Under the video (on the blog) is the link to the files mentioned. (If you don’t see them it’s because you got here before I put them up. Check back. It won’t be more than 24 hours till they are.
Click HERE for the blend files.