Welcome to the Path

This is the first post on this shiny new blog.
I would write all the stuff that this blog will have on it, but I m still deciding what that’ll be.
Actually you are deciding what that will be.
I have been using blender for so long I can’t even remember the year. (I would have to look it up)
just a seco…
Ok. I looked it up. It was before 2005! Yea. Long time.
Point is I know lots of cool stuff I can do with it, and I am always trying to push it to do even cooler stuff. I also love teaching said stuff to anyone who wants to learn. But I don’t now what you need to know.
So, the way I find out is by your telling me.
You ask questions, or make comments. I will read them and use that info to decide what I should be teaching at any given time.
Also, a bit down the road I intend to start doing live-streams. On those I will answer questions live. and also show how to do stuff. And if you don’t understand something you may ask while I’m showing it, and I can explain it better.
Well, this post is long enough.
I hope you like what ends up here. This is just the very tiny beginning .
How fantastic it gets, depends on you.
I can only plant the seed. You must provide the sunshine.
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